About Us - PDJ Indonesia

PDJ Indonesia was established as a platform to introduce Japanese properties to Indonesian customers and investors. Japan is one of the countries in the world where foreigners can buy land and property on the same terms as Japanese citizens. There are no restrictions or even additional taxes for foreign buyers. However, the laws and taxes governing the purchase of property in Japan can be a bit complicated. Therefore, our company, PDJ, will assist you in terms of contracts and negotiations which will be carried out through an Indonesian translator. We can also provide you with skilled local representatives, lawyers and other specialists.

Investing in real estate in Japan is considered by global investors to be one of the most promising options for foreigners, as Japan has a history of high economic growth and a healthy economy, making it a promising long-term investment. In addition, Japan is a safe country with a high international reputation (OECD country A risk rating. Singapore and Japan are the only countries in Asia). In recent years, Japan's population has declined, especially in suburban areas, which is believed to be impacting the property market. Thus, a decline in property prices in suburban areas offers the advantage of being able to purchase property at a relatively low price. In developed Asian countries such as China and Taiwan, the average investment return ranges from 1-3%. In contrast, investment returns in urban areas of Japan can reach 3-10% from 2015 until now. This has made the number of Japanese property buyers from Southeast Asia increase rapidly.

Sample Ordered List

  1. Country name
  2. Security
  3. Relatively inexpensive
  4. High yield
  5. There are no restrictions for foreign buyers

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Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.Kav. 7-8, RT.9/RW.11, Sudirman 7.8, Level 16 Unit 1 & 2




Additional Information

Company : PT PDJ Capital Indonesia

Capital : IDR 10 billion

CEO / Founder : Kotaro Ise

Open: Monday - Saturday, 10AM - 5PM and closed on sunday sorry for that.

Thailand Branch : 26/2 Sukhumvit soi 61, Klongton-Nua, Wattana, Bangkok